Dear students,

welcome to the FSM course - which is the German abbreviation for "Fach-, Sozial- und Methodenkompetenz", in English "Methodology of Scientific Work", which consists of two moduls:

  1. Methodology of Scientific Work, Research Design and Research Ethics (75% of the course)
  2. Time- and Self-Management (25% of the course)

During the course, we will deal with the process of research, scientific work practices, and research design, including correct citations. We will also discuss time- and self-management practices and software (for instance, Asana, Trello). Two guest lectures will give insights into the use of our library with the databases, and the writing process.

As an assessment, you will
  • have two "Moodle Exercises" where you do sample work and upload in Moodle,
  • deliver a seminar paper and present the content in small groups.
Please find some highly recommended literature below.

I am looking forward to your attendance and interactive sessions!
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Andreas Moerke